Research Facilities

Molecular Biology Section

The Molecular Biology section is a central facility providing access to equipment for users. Equipment and resources available include

A. Sample processing room: Equipped with automated nucleic acid extractor, refrigerated centrifuges, medical refrigerator, Deep freezers and Biosafety cabinet.

B. Pre-PCR room houses Biosafety cabinet and Opentron liquid handler for NGS application

C. Post-PCR roomPost-PCR room houses agarose/protein gel electrophoresis system, gel documentation system, Opentron liquid handler, Agilent Tapestation, Nanodrop and, Qubit flex flurometer for NGS application,

D. Instrument room is equipped with Illumina MiSeq/iSeq100, Minion Mk1c, QuantStudio-5 real time PCR, conventional PCR system ABI2170, ABI3500 and Verti Thermal cycler.

E. Microarray facility Microarray facility includes Agilent Hybridization oven, Agilent D-scanner and Vaccum concentrator. At CRL, DNA microarray is used to accurately detect the S.pneumoniae serotypes and serogroups which aids inpneumococcal serotype surveillance before and after vaccination.