
Microbial informatics Facility

The Microbial Informatics and Genomics Group is supported by a powerful in-house high-performance computing system. The Server, which has a 64-core processor, 524 GB of RAM, and an 80-TB hard drive, can store more than 10,000 whole genomic sequencing data sets. Spacious workstations have been dedicated to bioinformatics team. The entire lab is connected to intranet protected by Sophos firewall that can facilitate data transfer between the server, workstations and sequencing machines.

Conference room

The modern conference room can accommodate up to 25 people for a single event and is equipped with cutting-edge audio visual technology like a Smart Screen & wireless audio system.

Archives and Record Storage

The lab has a separate facility that provide a proper environment for the purpose of storing records and materials that require permanent protection for historic and lifetime storage, upkeep, and preservation with controlled access.

Instrumentation research and innovation facility

We have a specialised Instrumentation Facility to support multi-disciplinary research utilizing applied engineering concepts. The instrumentation team is focused with bio innovation work to advance in the field of fluid mechanics and its related applications.

WHONET Networking facility

We are a designated WHONET collaboration hub for antimicrobial resistance surveillance with a network of major hospitals across Karnataka. The WHONET network will be expanded across the country.